8 Lifestyle Tips for Lowering Your Cholesterol
High levels of certain types of cholesterol in your bloodstream can lead to a blockage in your arteries. This increases your risk of developing heart disease and hypertension. Lowering your cholesterol levels can help to reduce this risk. While managing your cholesterol levels is essential, you should contact your doctor at the first sign of any conditions linked to high cholesterol levels. At Rapha Health and Wellness, in Sugar Land and Houston, Texas, Dr. Nneka Edokpayi and her team specialize in treating conditions brought on by high cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels are typically managed with a combination of medicines and lifestyle changes. Here are eight lifestyle changes you can make.
1. Keep your weight down
Your weight and cholesterol levels are interconnected. If you are overweight or obese, shedding some weight can help you lower unhealthy cholesterol levels.
2. Maintain a healthy diet
A healthy diet is key to helping you manage your cholesterol levels. A cholesterol-healthy diet should contain nutritious foods, fruits, and vegetables. Foods that contain a high quantity of trans and saturated fats should be avoided. On the other hand, you should eat foods with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fiber.
3. Exercise regularly
Getting regular physical activity is essential for everyone. Regular exercise has also been proven to help lower cholesterol levels. You don’t have to think of exercise as a chore. You can start small and work your way up. A 30-minute daily walk is a great way to build a fitness habit.
4. Quit unhealthy habits
Unhealthy habits such as smoking and recreational drug use harm your health in many ways. One of these is causing a spike in harmful cholesterol levels and triggering the development of conditions like hypertension. Within a year of quitting smoking, you reduce your risk of developing heart disease by half of the risk of a smoker.
5. Lower your stress levels
Living with chronic stress can cause an increase in harmful cholesterol levels. Eliminating stressors under your control can help you lower your stress levels. For instance, if a long work commute in heavy traffic is causing stress, consider moving closer to your office or working from home a few days each week.
6. Reduce your alcohol intake
You should cut down on your alcohol intake if you have high cholesterol. Alcohol use has been linked to higher LDL cholesterol levels, a type of cholesterol that’s detrimental to your health.
7. Get Enough Sleep
The average adult needs between seven and nine hours of sleep to function optimally. This requirement is even more crucial if you have high cholesterol levels. Poor sleep habits have been linked to unhealthy cholesterol levels.
8. Stay well hydrated
Drinking enough water daily has a wealth of benefits for your body and mind. It’s also crucial for your metabolic health. A recent study found a link between your water intake and HDL cholesterol levels. Not drinking enough water can increase your risk of developing certain cardiovascular and metabolic conditions.
Staying on top of your routine physical exams is as crucial as adopting these lifestyle changes. It’s also important to contact your doctor at the first sign of a condition linked to unhealthy cholesterol levels. Let our skilled team of medical professionals handle that for you at Rapha Health and Wellness by booking an appointment online or calling 281-207-0461.